Services to companies and other entities:
Technical advice and consulting on:
- Design and supply of a database on territorial cooperation strategies, in the Valencian Community, Spain and the European Union.
- Thematic cartography on different typologies of territorial cooperation strategies.
- Strategic territorial planning.
- Configuration of databases for local administrations
- Analysis and diagnosis of government plans and their implementation in organic regulations of operation.
- Audits and plans for the organization of human resources in local and regional public administration.
- Plans and ordinances in areas related to citizen participation.
- Implementation of new technologies in the local public administration.
- European Funds
Training on:
- Strategic planning
- Public Participation Plans
- Territorial, Environmental and Landscape Impact Assessment.
- Management and analysis of public policies.
- Management and development of political participation at the local level.
- Techniques of public management.
Previous works
La regidoria delegada d’Agricultura, Horta i Pobles de Valènciais developing an Integral Action Plan for the Promotion of Space and Agricultural Activity of the Municipality of València, as well as collaborating in the cultural activities of the Villages of Valencia that it coordinates from its delegation . For this reason, and considering timely, the following service was performed:
- Research bank oriented to the defense and promotion of agriculture and the economic viability of the professional agrarian activity in the municipal agricultural space of València
A work that is available in the database section of this website, which can be accessed through the following link: Horta València database